Friday, January 13, 2012

to the top

As we were walking along the beach at Nature's Valley we saw some people at the top of this hill, on the ledge near the ocean and thought how can we get up there.  Well, this is actually the last part of the 5 day Otter Trail hike I mentioned before.  We saw a couple people walk into some brush and then a few minutes later saw them half way up so we thought why not, so up we went! The view was great and we were the only ones at the top!

This is the view from the top towards the campgrounds.  The ocean is on the bottom and then on top of the beach is the lagoon and river that goes along the campgrounds.  The river was actually right outside out forest hut.  Even though it was a little cloudy, the view is still amazing!

1 comment:

Shelly said...

I am so glad that you are taking such beautiful pictures. I can't wait to hear all about these places that you are seeing! Love you both!!

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